• Basic Web Design
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly design
    3-5 pages (e.g., Home, About Us, Services/Products, Contact).
    Domain and Hosting Setup
    Basic SEO optimization (meta tags, alt tags, keyword research).
    Contact form integration.
    Social media links/icons.
    Stock images (limited).
  • Free Domain & Web Hosting for 1 Year
  • ₹ 7999/
  • Renewal Price: ₹ 3000/ Year
  • Standard Web Design
  • Fully responsive design with a focus on user experience (UX).
    6-8 pages (e.g., Home, About Us, Services/Products, Blog, Contact, Portfolio/Gallery).
    Custom domain name setup and SSL certificate installation.
    On-page SEO optimization
    Content management system (e.g., WordPress) with basic training.
    Stock images and basic image editing.
    Unique Content write up
  • Free Domain & Web Hosting for 1 Year
  • ₹ 12999/
  • Renewal Price: ₹ 3000/ Year
  • Premium
  • Perfect for beginners and personal use.
  • Highly customized and visually stunning design.
    12+ pages (e.g., Home, About Us, Services/Products, Blog, Contact, Portfolio/Gallery, Testimonials, FAQ, Resources).
    Custom domain setup, SSL certificate, and premium hosting.
    Comprehensive SEO strategy
    Contact forms
    Advanced performance optimization (Speed, Caching, CDN).
    Google Analytics and Search Console setup
    Unique Content Creation
  • Free Domain & Web Hosting for 1 Year
  • ₹ 19999/
  • Renewal Price: ₹ 5000/ Year
  • Ultimate
  • Perfect for beginners and personal use.
  • Highly customized and visually stunning design.
    12+ pages (e.g., Home, About Us, Services/Products, Blog, Contact, Portfolio/Gallery, Testimonials, FAQ, Resources).
    Custom domain setup, SSL certificate, and premium hosting.
    Comprehensive SEO strategy
    Advanced contact forms
    Content management system with advanced features and e-commerce capabilities (e.g., WooCommerce).
    High-quality custom graphics and photography.
    Advanced performance optimization (Speed, Caching, CDN).
    Google Analytics and Search Console setup with regular reporting.
    Ongoing maintenance and support.
    Unique Content Creation
  • Free Domain & Web Hosting for 1 Year
  • ₹ 45999/
  • Renewal Price: ₹ 8000/ Year